Vote YES on Article 6 — Memorial Pool Renovation

Article 6 is a proposal by The Recreation Commission for residents to approve $3.3 million for Memorial Pool repairs, enhancements, and renovations necessary to meet code requirements. This will create a more valuable “quality of life” amenity for residents, and increase both usage and revenue.

Weston’s Memorial Pool first opened in 1951, but no meaningful renovations or other investments have been made since 1993. Memorial Pool now needs significant renovation. Critical systems such as filtration are at the end of their useful life, multiple aspects do not meet current code specifications, and the few amenities are outdated and worn out. Although timing is critical for failing systems, the vast majority of this project constitutes upgrades and improvements. The total estimated cost for the proposed renovations is approximately $3.3 million, including $725,000 of contingencies and escalators. Nearly all expenses can be covered by funding from existing Community Preservation funds.

Focus on Weston believes in spending money where it will have a positive return in both dollars and in overall contribution to quality of life in Weston. This proposal will help make Weston’s Memorial Pool a self-sustaining local destination for years to come. Here are the facts behind our assessment:

Money spent will impact a large number of Weston residents:

  • 25% of residents currently use the Town pool – that is a higher usage percentage than our public schools.

  • The majority of pool users are families and seniors. Weston actively strives to create a town that is attractive to both these populations. We want seniors to stay in Town to maintain multigenerational diversity and create value. We want relocating families to choose Weston over comparative surrounding towns.

Why do we need to invest now?

  • Beginning in 1951, repairs and upgrades to the pool were typically made every 20 years. It has been 30 years since the last round of necessary major repairs, improvements, or updates.

  • Other town pool upgrades have shown positive returns. Needham invested in amenity enhancements to their town pool, increasing revenue by 53% in one year; 45% of residents now use the pool.

  • Repairs and work can begin in September and be completed by next summer.

Where is the money going?

  • Necessary Repairs and Upgrades: replace the pool filters; repair and bring the fence up to code; replace lifeguard chairs; improve chemical control systems; upgrade the bathhouse and first aid stations.

  • Improved Accessibility: add new Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant walkways; install a permanent stair to the lap lane area; mount new safety railings.

  • New Amenities: add a water slide, splash pad and additional water feature in the pool; set up a revenue-producing concession stand; build two family bathrooms, outdoor showers, and an entry building.

  • In addition, the Recreation Commission is planning to spend $75,000 on pool furniture and other movable amenities using existing funds.

The Town pool is an important and historic part of Weston town life. It is where many seniors meet and exercise, families converge, and children swim. Over a quarter of our residents already use the pool, and these new additions and improvements will increase usage and revenue. Further, the Recreation Commission has solid projections showing that 80% of cost of the repairs and improvements will be paid back in 20 years. Finances aside, this investment in our Town and well-being of our residents is immeasurable.

Focus on Weston supports the Article 6 Project because it demonstrates the value-added thinking that contributes to quality of life for Weston residents. We believe this project is an example of how Town programs should be thought about and managed. Please support and vote YES to approve the strategic Memorial Pool renovations that will produce more revenue, increase pool usage, and delight residents.

Please come to the Special Town Meeting on September 13th
YES on Article 6, the Memorial Pool renovation


Vote NO on Article 7 — Pickleball Complex Design Fees


An Open Letter to the Select Board — Water Management Challenges​