Focus On Weston

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Vote NO on Article 7 — Pickleball Complex Design Fees

Article 7 is a proposal by the Recreation Master Plan Steering Committee to use $85,000 of Weston’s Community Preservation Act funds to design a pickleball complex at Burchard Park. We oppose this Article because at an all-in cost of $1 million, this complex would be extremely expensive, there is no demonstrated demand, no estimate of post-build maintenance costs, no clarity on the cost to residents for playing time, and no restriction on usage by non-residents.

This proposal was voted down at the Town Meeting in May. Resubmitting this unchanged article ignores residents' previously expressed 57% “NO” vote.

Focus on Weston’s analysis concludes that the fundamental basis of this proposal is flawed. The Steering Committee reported that 68% of residents surveyed believe the Town needs more outdoor recreation — but the survey did not gauge specific demand for a pickleball court or likely usage, or whether pickleball is a priority over many other recreation ideas explored. Thus, a conclusion that an adequate number of residents need, want, or would use a $1 million pickleball complex is unsubstantiated. Weston’s designated Community Preservation funds and recreation budget can and should be devoted to the highest value and most impactful outdoor recreation options, and the pickleball proposal does not demonstrate either.

Why Focus on Weston opposes building a pickleball complex:

  • Taxpayers will pay building and maintenance costs, but unlike the Memorial Pool, there is no way to manage usage. Courts in Burchard Park can’t be restricted for use by only Weston residents; usage on a first-come, first-served basis means courts can easily be used by non-residents.

  • There is no proven demand for pickleball courts. Currently, only 58 people and 28 active players are on Weston’s Pickleball Facebook page. The Committee estimates approximately 250 ultimate users (2% of Weston residents compared to 25% currently using the Memorial Pool).

  • According to the Steering Committee consultant's estimates, projected cost for the proposed six-court complex in Burchard Park is $1 million, approximately $130,000 to $170,000 per court. Wightman Tennis Club recently estimated the cost of pickleball courts at $30,000 to $40,000 per court. This calls into question the estimates from the advisors on this proposed project.

  • There has not been a thorough evaluation of alternate (and less costly) sites, or efforts to retrofit existing infrastructure (paved lot, tennis courts, etc.) so the town can inexpensively test initial and ongoing interest by Weston residents.

  • The proposal is to fund this complex with Weston’s CPC fund — taxpayer money — and maintain it at taxpayer expense going forward. Burchard Park itself was primarily privately funded, and perhaps private funding should be explored for pickleball.

  • Existing tennis courts at Burchard are not well maintained. A plan for effective oversight and maintenance needs to be presented if/when pickleball is brought back to the voters.

  • This article was defeated in May (57% voted to oppose). Without any change in the facts or estimates relative to the information presented in May, there is no reason to bring it up again.
    Focus on Weston supports proposals that are thoroughly analyzed and vetted and represent significant return on taxpayer investment. Indeed, we highly recommend voting "yes" on the Memorial Pool renovation project. Overall, the pickleball project proposal needs more careful evaluation, analysis, and prioritization among the many significant and expensive needs of the town. There is no reason to reconsider this article at this time.

Please come to the Special Town Meeting on September 13th
Vote NO on Article 7, the Pickleball Complex Design Fee