The Status of Article 24: The 2022 Citizens Petition to change the Select Board from 3 to 5

The Select Board’s failure to implement Article 24 defies the explicit desires of Weston voters and democratic process. Lise Revers, our recently elected Select Board member, heard repeatedly from residents about this issue during her campaign and promised to push it forward. She began her tenure by requesting a discussion at her first Select Board meeting on  May 14th and addressed the issue directly, but remains in the minority.

Recap of the history of Article 24:

At the May 2022 Town Meeting, 72% approved Article 24, a citizens petition to increase the Select Board from three to five members. The necessary next step is for our Select Board to form a request to the state legislature for their concurrence (considered perfunctory) and then a Town-wide vote by ballot. In an effort to derail this petition, the Select Board proposed funding a Government Study and that was voted down at the 2022 town meeting by 82%. Despite this public rebuke, the Select Board dawdled and then blatantly circumvented that vote by taking 20 months to curate a Town Government Study Committee, itself comprised of former Select Board members and Town officials and employees. This Committee finally had their first meeting in February 2024 and has only recently prioritized discussions on the Select Board size. Notably, many Committee members, including the chair, have publicly expressed apprehension about increasing the Board to five.

This governance study is a clear delay tactic and blatant disregard for democratic process. If their study aligns with what has already been voted for by Weston residents, as the executive branch the Select Board claims the option to choose to support the increase and allow it to go on the ballot. The democratic process supports a representative government, the Select Board should feel obligated to implement Town Meeting voters as Town Meeting is our legislative body. While Select Board members claim they can’t make policy changes based on “a faction of town, packing a Town meeting,” there were 682 attendees at the 2022 Town Meeting, the largest number of attendees in five years. At a time when democracy is being challenged in our country, it is critical to hold our elected officials accountable for a government of  the people, by the people, and for the people. Our 2022 vote must be implemented to maintain faith in local government.

There are benefits to expansion:

  • Increased Representation: Expanding the Board will better reflect our growing and diversifying population. Does the current board represent Weston's demographic profile?

  • Diverse Expertise: Additional members will bring new ideas, professional competencies, life experiences, and perspectives to address complex challenges. While lawyers are essential, we also need expertise in finance, project management, and leadership.  

  • Improved Productivity: A five-member Board will enhance the ability to work between meetings and advance discussions on important issues. With three members, any two discussing town matters outside an official meeting violates open meeting laws. No company has a C-Suite that can’t talk to each other outside of a biweekly meeting. For example, it has taken the Select Board 8 years to issue an RFP to sell the deteriorating Case Estate buildings and 3 years to sign a lease for a restaurant in the now-renovated Josiah Smith Tavern – both of which are STILL not done.

  • Reduced Workload: More members will decrease the workload of individual members and make running for the Select Board more attractive. With five members, the Josiah Smith Tavern lease may have taken less than three years to write.

Are these valid arguments against expansion?

  • On May 14th, Board member Tom Palmer argued, “there was not a fair debate” at the 2022 Town meeting on the expansion thus people don’t understand a balanced view of the issues. It’s hard to imagine that 72% of a well-attended Town Meeting are not well informed.

  • On May 14th, Board member Laurie Bent argued, "It is a little bit subverting the Open Meeting Law where we do all of our discussion in public. When two people can talk behind doors and come already having made up their minds…that is in some ways subverting the openness of our discourse." If this is true, the Governance Committee should recommend reducing the School Committee and Planning Board to three members.

  • Meetings may take longer and there may be fewer unanimous votes.

How to implement 3 to 5?

This fall, the Select Board must bring this article to the State Legislature for their approval. This must happen in order for the question of increasing the Select Board to be put on our May 2025 election ballot where two-thirds of Weston voters are required to approve the increase. This timeline still gives the Select Board a year to gather data and educate residents on the difference between the number three and five.

We need the Weston Select Board to act in good faith and implement voters’ desire to move forward with a town-wide vote on whether or not to increase the Select Board from three to five members. If they refuse to do their duty, there are other options including voting autocratic members out of office in May. Voters should consider replacing the next Select Board member up for reelection  with a member more like Lise Revers, who respects and understands time-honored democratic principles, and is dedicated to serving the town’s taxpayers.

Please email each member of the Select Board and insist they submit Article 24 to the State legislature in Fall 2024 for their approval, in order for the question of increasing the Select Board to be put on our May 2025 election ballot where residents will vote for or against an increase.

Tom Palmer, Chair:

Laurie Bent:

Lise Revers:

And again to all:

Watch the 5/14/2024 Select Board meeting discussion on the Town Governance Study as well as Article 24 on Weston Media – they are the first items on the agenda.



Vote NO on Article 21: Authorize the Conveyance of 0 Hobbs Brook Rd