Focus on Weston Supports Lise Revers for Select Board Weston Town Election Saturday, May 4

In this upcoming election, Weston is fortunate to have the opportunity to choose between two candidates, Lise Revers & Chris DeBenedetto, to fill a single pending vacancy on the Select Board. 

The Select Board is comprised of three elected members. It is the Town’s executive body and primary policy-making entity affecting service delivery, financial health, development, and oversight of Town’sadministrative departments. Decisions made by Select Board directly affect the quality of life in Weston. 

Focus on Weston’s approach to evaluating the candidates

In addition to studying the candidates’ statements, interviews with The Owl, and presentations at the League of Women Voters’ Candidates Night, members of Focus on Weston conducted interviews with both candidates, and evaluated each based on the following:

  • Awareness of the current and future issues and challenges confronting Weston.

  • Vision for maintaining and improving the appeal of living in Weston. 

  • Dedication to creating measurable performance objectives and commitment to using fact-based analysis of quantitative data, benchmarks, and metrics.

  • Skills and experience in finance, management, budgeting, planning, and negotiating. 

  • Openness and willingness to engage in constructive and respectful discussions with residents and stakeholders. 

  • Readiness to make tough choices and advocate for what is in the best interest of the town, even if it requires speaking up and taking a stance.

  • Understanding the responsibility of the Select Board to faithfully represent and respond to the preferences of residents and outcomes of town votes. 

If you missed the League of Women Voters’ Night, the recording is available at Weston League of Women Voters 2024. Skip to the 1-hour mark to hear the candidates for Select Board. We thought it was worthwhile.

We are grateful for the significant amount of time both candidates are prepared to dedicate to the needs of the Town. As voters, we have a duty to elect the candidate who we feel has the capacity to deal with all of the issues that we face now and in Weston’s next phase.

Lise Revers is Focus on Weston’s Choice for Select Board

Lise (pronounced “Leez eh”) is an attorney and brings impressive legal and project management expertise, particularly within the realms of venture capital and startups. Her financial, legal, strategic, analytical, and problem-solving skills will be extremely useful for navigating complex and intricate issues and regulations. She has lived and raised her family in Weston since 1996, and has actively participated in numerous town endeavors, projects, and organizations. Lise has been a vigilant, resourceful, and effective voice against the proposed oversized 40B development at 518 South Ave.

Lise’s top priorities for Weston 

  • Focus on preserving Weston's unique qualities, such as its open space, rural atmosphere.

  • Reinvigorate the sense of community through projects like the Land Sake farm stand.

  • Address concerns about development, including reinvigorating the downtown area, to maintain Weston's character and prevent it from becoming solely a bedroom community.

  • Improve communication and civic engagement to ensure residents are informed and involved in all decision-making processes.

  • Tackle infrastructure projects like the wastewater system and consider creative solutions for repurposing vacant properties like the church.

  • Advocate for a more proactive and communicative Select Board, including transitioning to a five-person board for broader representation and better decision-making. 

Our assessment of Lise as a candidate for the Select Board

  • She is motivated by concerns about the direction of development and the need to preserve Weston's character.

  • She brings legal expertise, project management skills, and a proactive approach to addressing town challenges.

  • She is and has been actively involved in various town initiatives and organizations, demonstrating a deep connection to the community.

  • She advocates for increased civic engagement, improved communication, and strategic investments in infrastructure.

Overall, Lise brings a strong and relevant background, experience in town organizations, a proactive and informed approach, and a dedication to effecting change, making her the stronger candidate for addressing Weston's challenges and preserving its character.

Chris DiBenedetto

Chris’s experience includes compliance, risk management, and regulatory frameworks garnered from his current banking responsibilities. His roots are in Weston, where he harbored aspirations of being on the Select Board since high school. He continues to be actively engaged in various volunteer roles in Framingham, his residence from 2001 to 2018. He has a deep-seated affinity to the community and returned to his childhood home in 2018 and but only registered to vote in 2024. 

Chris’s top priorities for Weston 

  • Preserving Weston's small-town community feel and fostering a sense of belonging among residents.

  • Addressing potential risks such as noncompliance with MBTA regulations and maintaining financial stability.

  • Improving communication and engagement with residents, including exploring new avenues for participation.

  • Ensuring operational efficiency and exploring opportunities for improvement in town management and governance.

  • Advocating for issues such as school funding, infrastructure projects, and town beautification efforts.

Our assessment of Chris as a candidate for the Select Board

  • He is driven by a desire to contribute to Weston's governance and fulfill a childhood aspiration of serving on the Select Board.

  • He brings a background in compliance, risk management, and regulatory frameworks from his banking experience.

  • He lived in Weston throughout his childhood and has experience in volunteer positions in Framingham.

  • He prioritizes maintaining Weston's appeal, addressing development challenges, and enhancing Wildcat engagement and communication.

Chris demonstrates a readiness to acquaint himself with the issues concerning Weston; however, his current level of awareness and depth of knowledge on the subject matter are somewhat limited.


Both candidates bring enthusiasm, ethics, and a desire to serve Weston, but we believe that Lise Revers’ background, experience, and involvement better equip her to effectively address the town’s challenges.


Vote NO on Article 21: Authorize the Conveyance of 0 Hobbs Brook Rd


Vote NO on Article 17: Route 30 Two-way Bicycle Path